Private view: the design genesis between Alf DaFrè and Gordon Guillaumier

Private View is an intimate journey into the world of design that narrates the collaboration between Alf DaFrè and Gordon Guillaumier, immortalised through the eyes of Andrea Ferrari and Mattia Balsamini. Through a privileged gaze, it explores the products, the context and the evolution of design, and how the relationship between the company and the designer leads to the creation of unique products.

Milan 1990: design capital

A story that begins with Gordon's arrival in Milan in the early 1990s. The 1980s are leaving the stage to the following decade and two contrasting realities emerge: on the one hand, the legacy of modernity, with symmetry and memory as pillars; on the other, a new dawn of creative freedom, far from the rigidity of the past.  Milan becomes the epicentre of this revolution, a cultural furnace where differences merge and new ideas take shape. Here, contemporary design codes are rewritten, consumption redefined, and new artistic languages emerge. The city attracts talent from all corners of the world, becoming a melting pot of creativity and innovation.


It was in this context that Gordon Guillaumier landed in Milan, at first just passing through, but soon becoming the fulcrum of his personal and professional development. And it is precisely in Milan at the entrance to his studio that we meet him, to begin the tale of this extraordinary adventure. Through an unprecedented language with a play of light and dark that highlights the iconic features, Gordon Guillaumier's collections are narrated through Mattia Balsamini's shots. Each product is shown in an intimate and unprecedented interpretation, highlighting its aesthetic lines, shapes and materials: all elements that Gordon loves to use in his designs for Alf DaFrè.

Neyõ, bed. The concept of hospitality finds its point of tangency in this project: not a simple piece of furniture, but an authentic resting place with a spatial and boundary definition.

Pols table. The surface of the top, slightly moved in a liquid vibration, in transparency shows the joint and reveals the detail as a design feature: between past and always.

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